Love Me Love Me Not

Alcohol/Drug Addiction
My Life

Do you have an Alcohol or Drug Addiction ?
Alcohol and drug addiction is an illness.  Many people believe it's a lack of self-control and self-motivation, but it is an illness just like some have cancer and other have diabetes.  I suffer from alcoholism and drug addiction, but i have sobered up and cleaned up.  It's not easy and it's not always fun, but when you finally get your life back and realize what the world has to offer, you'll see it's all worth it.  Here are 2 questionaires on alcohol and drug addiction that you can answer, and if you believe you have a problem, i have left a few links at the bottom of this page and my e-mail address is on my home page so you can contact me at anytime.  I also have MSN messenger and Yahoo messenger if you would like to chat.

Alcohol Problem ?
  1. Have you ever tried to stop drinking for a week or so, but only lasted a few days?
  2. Do you wish other people would mind their own business about your drinking -- stop telling you what to do ?
  3. Have you ever switched from one kind of drink to another in the hope that this would keep you from getting drunk ?
  4. Have you ever had to have an eye-opener upon awakening during the past year ?
  5. Do you envy people who can have a drink without getting into trouble ?
  6. Have you had problems connected with drinking in the past year ?
  7. Has your drinking caused problems at home ?
  8. Do you ever try to get "extra" drinks at a party because you do not get enough ?
  9. Do you tell yourself you can stop drinking any time you want to, even though you keep getting drunk when you don't mean to ?
  10. Have you missed days off work or school because of drinking ?
  11. Do you have "blackouts" ? (not remember days or weeks)
  12. Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you did not drink ?

If you have answered yes 4 or more times then you might be in serious trouble, but only you can decide if you are an alcoholic.

I myself only answered 2-3 with a yes, but as time went on I realised that I did have at least 4.

If you decide that you have a problem and would like more information, there will be links at the bottom of this page.


Drug Problem ?

  1. Do you ever use alone ?
  2. Have you ever substituded one drug for another, thinking that drug was the problem ?
  3. Have you ever manipulated or lied to a doctor to obtain prescription drugs ?
  4. Have you ever stolen drugs or stolen to get drugs ?
  5. Do you regularly use a drug when you wake up or go to bed ?
  6. Have you ever taken one drug to overcome the effects of another ?
  7. Do you avoid people or places that do not approve of you using drugs ?
  8. Have you ever used a drug without knowing what it was or what it would do to you ?
  9. Has your job or school performance ever suffered from the effects of your drug use ?
  10. Have you ever been arrested as a result of using drugs ?
  11. Have you ever lied about what and how much you use ?
  12. Do you put the purchase of drugs ahead of your financial responsibilities ?
  13. Have you ever tried to stop or control your using ?
  14. Have you ever been in jail, hospital, or rehabilitation center because of your using ?
  15. Does using interfere with your sleeping or eating ?
  16. Does the thought of running out of drugs terrify you ?
  17. Do you feel it is impossible for you to live without drugs ?
  18. Do you ever question your own sanity ?
  19. Is your drug use making your life at home unhappy ?
  20. Have you ever thought you couldn't fit in or have a good time without drugs ?
  21. Have you ever felt defensive, guilty or ashamed about your drug using ?
  22. Do you think alot about drugs ?
  23. Have you had irrational or indefineble fears ?
  24. Has using affected your sexual relationships ?
  25. Have you ever taken drugs you didn't prefer ?
  26. Have you ever used drugs because of emotional pain or stress ?
  27. Have you ever overdosed on drugs ?
  28. Do you continue to use despite negative consequences ?
  29. Do you think you might have a drug problem ?

If you answered 4 of more of these questions with a yes, then you might have a drug problem, but only you can decide that.  If you decide you do I will have links to NA and other help webs.

AA Web Help

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