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My Life
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This is my life


I was born on October 31st 1977, in Magog Quebec.  I was born into an alcoholic home and at the time I had an older sister of 5 years.  I lived in the same house for 8 years and then my parents seperated.  We moved into a small appartment and a year later my mother had moved us to Stanstead, Quebec.  This is where my life started going downhill. From the ages of 9 to 11 things were not so bad. In 1989 my parents got divorced and this took the best out of me.  I had my first drink at that time and i soon realized that alcohol could make my pain and frustrations go away.  As time went on alcohol and drugs became my best friends.  My grand-mother, who was the most important person in my life, died in 1991.  My heart was shattered and now my life is a total blank.  There are many things that have happened in my life, but they are too painful to mention.  Anyways by the time i turned 14 i was dating a 19 year old jealous and violent guy.  I spent 3 years of my life with this guys because fear overtook me.  I got pregnant for my son at the age of 16 and was left to raise him on my own.  I have had many bad relationships that i am not proud of, but these are what shaped my life into what it is today.  When i was 20 years old i met my daughters father, at this time alcoholism and drug addiction had taken over my life.  My son was living with my mother and i was living in a 1 bedroom dump.  Meeting my daughters father helped me quit the drugs, but not the drinking.  We managed to get my son back from my mother and we had a pretty good life for a while.  In 1998 i got pregnant for my daughter and things started to go slowly downhill in my relationship.  By the time my daughter was born in June of 1999, extreem violence and verbal abuse had set in.  In the fall of that same year we moved to Balm Beach Ontario in order to escape the eyes of many of my friends.  They were all starting to have doubts on what was going on behind closed doors, so in order to keep me by his side, we moved to Ontario.  I strongly believe that this move has saved my life.  My daughters father was arrested and i went to a womans shelter where the childrens aid helped me realize what was wrong in my life.  In March of 2001 i entered the doors of the Georgianwood Rehablitation Center.  I spent 28 days in this rehab. and it saved my life.  I am still drug free and sober to this date.  I will be celebrating 5 years of sobriety on March 23rd of 2006.  Since then I have had some up and down moments, but they have all made me a better person.
In April of 2005, I entered the psychiatric level of the hospital in my town for the first time.  I was initially diagnosed Bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorder in 2001, but it was confirmed again.  I stayed in the hospital for 9 days and then went back home, but after 1 1/2 weeks i returned for an 18 day stay.  This is where my diagnosis was made official and i got the right treatment to keep me on track.  Since then i have been doing great.  My children are growing into very bright human beings and i am very proud of them both.  I hope to be able to help people who have gone through some of the same experiences as i have.  I will be returning to school to get a degree in social work so i can start working in close connection with teens who might be going down the same path as i have gone. 
I hope this little story might inspire some of you and maybe even make you feel like you are not alone.  I want to use my life experience to prevent other people to go down the same path as I.
Please feel free to e-mail me if you need someone to talk to or just to comment on my website.
I hope you are all well and hope to hear from you.
God bless!!!!!